Press move starts…slowly!
The Letterpress Depot was excited to receive a donation of a Gally Universal press from Joanne Martin of Watkins, Colorado - but how were we going to move an 1800-pound press? Plans to use an engine hoist to lift it onto a truck were discarded after the truck bed was higher than advertised. To the rescue: A neighbor farmer with a John Deere with a fork lift!
So then the question was…how would we get it off the truck? After we loaded two other trucks with cabinets and many fonts of metal and some rare wood type - all collected and used by Joanne’s late husband Nick and his dad Raul back in Wisconsin - and drove back to Englewood, it was time to come up with a solution! With a Come Along tool, a pallet jack, strong arms and infinite patience, board members Bryan, Ian, Dave, Tom and Marc made it happen! A helping hand at the end too from Depot neighbor Jeremy.
More next Monday on this press, the wood type and the extremely rare Roman Flame border set that were donated. But right now…an offer from us to our donors. Our top 20 donors will get a copy of our newest poster, created and printed by Dave Laskowski II in honor of a certain recent championship. It’s also for sale for $47 (including shipping) on our website marketplace.
You can donate to the Depot via our website or through Colorado Gives. It will make some tired printers very happy!
Tom Parson, Bryan Dahlberg, Dave Laskowski II, Ian van Mater and Marc Silberman thank you!