Tired of the rain in Denver, but two board members - Bill Whitley and Tom Parson - got to spend several days in the sunny Southwest.
But before they left on that trip to the Amalgamated Printers Association (APA) Wayzgoose, there was much to do. Tom and board members Kirk Benson and Dave Laskowski II had fun printing with kids at Clayton Elementary in Englewood.
Dave, Tom, Marc Silberman and Board President Ian Van Mater also printed for scouts and others at the Rocky Mountain Stamp Show
Photo by Cypherstampclub
And there was even more to be done before leaving town. Tom and others spruced up the Depot’s landscaping/driveway area, with a brick pathway and fencing for the compost area. Bryan Dahlberg helped move some of the big concrete chunks on our property, but it took 3 bobcat workers to move the 500lb cinder blocks that had been stacked up there! The blocks now form a very solid wall so trucks stop bumping into our property.
Then, it was finally time to hit the road. On the way to and from the Tucson, with Bill’s careful planning, he and Tom got to visit printers and typefounders in Albuquerque, Santa Fe, Dewey and Prescott,Arizona and Mancos, Colorado. It was a time for old and new printer friends, a chance to appreciate other printshops, workshops, talks on woodtype, and…a visit to Sky Shipley’s Skyline Type where his caster Jared was casting 12 pt Bewick Roman on a Thompson Caster. Finally, Mancos, home of a rare Cranston press…then home!
Now, ready for the next adventure. We will be printing in June in Englewood - details to follow.