We are wildly pleased to announce that the Letterpress Depot has been awarded a grant of $1.000 from the Meow Wolf 2018 DIY Fund.
A new roof to stop the leaks, and heaps and heaps of gravel to shore up the often-muddy alley/driveway
Six ways you might help …
We had a great time at Fine Arts Friday at Cherry Creek High School! Thanks to Cat Jafek and others for inviting us to demonstrate. With hundreds of interested students, printers Tom Parson on the Curtis and Mitchell table top press and Marc Silberman on the small Vandercook roller press were kept busy.
Last week on volunteer day, we put together a Gordon Franklin press. Who knows what we can accomplish this week on volunteer day (Sat, 11/3, 10-4)? Type inventory to landscaping and yes, to building more presses, there’s always something to do at the Depot. Come down and see.
Three old presses found a new home at the Depot in August. First to arrive were a 7,000-pound Campbell Pony Press that printed a Leadville newspaper way back in the day and a very rare Chandler & Price automatic cylinder press, both thanks to the estate of John Major Jenkins. John also left a wonderful history of the Campbell…
What a feast of friendship, type, talk and memories. The APA RetroGoose is over but not all the good feelings it left behind. Over 40 APA members and several spouses came from around the country, joined by a strong network of Colorado printers….
The #MoPrint crowds at the Open Portfolio show (displays by board members Kim Morski and Tom Parson) and those who came to our Open Studios were very interested and interesting. A few pix below, including a kitty who decided hiding in the bushes made most sense. Also check @GenghisKern Insta account for a video from his shop.
There was shoveling, plank-moving, talk of how/where to move 6,000+ bricks so we can fix the leaky patio, inventorying and much more. Marc Silberman's son Jeff came and shared his woodworking skills to plane down an old door. Another volunteer day upcoming February 24. Check out our volunteer page and tell us what you'd like to do to help and what days are best for you - or just show up on a scheduled day. We can use anything you have to offer!!
It was great seeing old and new friends at The BoB for our January meet up
More meet ups to come in 2018!
This month, all donations will be doubled. So please help us as we raise funds to put in a gas line for heat (it will get cold!), electricity (the better to see you with) and bathrooms (well, you know). The money donated during our Indiegogo made possible a wall, concrete ramp and coated floor - ie a lower level ready to accept the first load of donated presses and type. Putting all our knowledge of mechanical engineering, physics and brute strength to the test...the first load of donated presses and type was moved into the Depot recently. Much much more to come, with your help.
To donate, join or buy something (10% off this month with code 0918), please go to http://www.letterpressdepot.com/marketplace/
Concrete! I've always taken for granted what's beneath my feet. But the slurry! the choreography of pouring, raking, edging, smoothing! And then lo! we have a ramp. Thanks to your donations, for the first time since the building was moved to this location in 1994, an area drain and concrete steps and a ramp/drive mean we can move in our collection of printing equipment and type.
Tom Parson can give a whole run-through of all that was done as our major ramp was laid down, but these pictures give a sense of it all.
As soon as the concrete cures, the grand move will be possible! Volunteers are now clearing the lower room, sealing the floor, unplywooding the walls, and planning the layout for cabinets and presses. Join us in getting this prep work done.
Thank you for your support! We are about to launch a double-your-donation effort for the next phase of construction, so if you missed out on supporting this ramp there will be more. Heat! Electricity! Toilets! And we need additional volunteers to help move our collection out of storage and into the building. Suggestions, donations, volunteer offers, and all questions are welcome. Email: englewooddepot@gmail.com or phone: 720-480-5358.
Two days of learning all about pressure printing, layering, using color and shapes and anything that came to mind for some unique posters. So grateful to Brad Vetter for leading the workshop and for all those who attended, benefited the Depot and brought so much energy and fun.
First, if you're looking for a fantastic workshop, head right now to http://www.letterpressdepot.com/events/2017/10/5/sign-up-now-to-marvel-learn-print-with-brad-vetter
Construction at the Letterpress Depot
New wall for access ramp
Letterpress projects this month
Curtis & Mitchell tabletop platen on a new hydraulic lift table…ready to print the winning design of art student Cassie Schaad, Platte Canyon High School: tickets for the Hootenanny!
Printing on a Poco for the Alliance of Artists Communities:
Newly donated Heidelberg on the move!
We still need your support and involvement!
Come volunteer, donate, check out our posters, memberships and other perks available on our website at www.letterpressdepot.com; further info by phone (720-480-5358) and email and by direct mail (Letterpress Depot, PO Box 798 Englewood CO 80151).
John Major Jenkins was optimistic when he went in for surgery for kidney cancer in January; he even said he was doing well after the operation. But sadly, he passed away July 2 at the way too young age of 53. We knew John as a printer, as someone who was very knowledgeable and interested in presses, who regularly came down from Fort Collins for our Depot meetups. He shared blogs with us – which we are reprinting at http://www.letterpressdepot.com/blogs-on-type-presses-history/– on moving his humongous presses. And now he has left to the Depot the Campbell Century Pony press that he wrote about. Wish we still had John instead, but we are grateful to share this treasure.
Nationally, John was known as the author of five books on ancient Mayan cosmology, the meaning of the Mayan calendar and what he called archaeoastronomical research: He was proud of his exploration of the “galactic alignment in the vicissitudes of human history.” In February, his novel went up for sale on his website and Amazon, followed in March by an updated “Journey to the Mayan Underworld.”
John also wrote movingly when his ex-wife died in 2015, acknowledging their ups and downs, but saying “from our first encounter in early 1996 … to our final farewell in early 2015, we loved each other.” In 2015, he also lost his 13+ year-old cat. John said since he didn’t have children, “Tyko was like my little boy, my papa wingnut.” Here are John and Tyko in happier and healthier times.
John leaves behind two brothers, a sister and all the press he saved and restored which are now finding new homes with other printers.
It's been a busy summer and it's not nearly over yet! Upcoming are the Rocky Mountain Book and Paper Fair (Aug 4-5) and Boreas Pass RR Day (Aug 19). But here's a look back at the last jam-packed month. First and foremost in everyone's mind... progress at the Depot. Thanks to our Indiegogo campaign we were able to start the first phase of the work.
The Depot was also the site of a BBQ, poetry reading by Paul Hunter, poster display by Iowa printer Rick von Holdt, and a chance to just get together. Thanks to Len Lingo, grillmaster, and Chris Citron and family, helpers extraordinaire.
One of the highlights of every summer: the Cherry Creek Arts Festival. We enjoyed printing for kids and excited adults alike, and spreading the Depot word.
Friends, we have concluded our Indiegogo campaign! We raised $27,222 on Indiegogo (we get to keep $24,974.34) and another $15,000 offline! Executive Director Tom Parson would like to pass on his thanks! “I want to express how much I appreciate the efforts and responses of support on all levels. This is an amazing accomplishment even if it falls short of our goal and our needs. Thank you all.” Though the indiegogo campaign wrapped up with an amazing response, we’ll still be fundraising through the summer and fall to complete phase 1 of the construction. You can always sign up for, renew, or upgrade your membership and we always accept and appreciate analog donations made out to “Englewood Depot Inc," at PO Box 798 Englewood, CO 80151. We will also be migrating all of our unsold perks over to our online store – where you can already check out all of the train themed posters.
We’re currently about 2/3 of the way through mailing out the poster and book perks and are on track to get everything out by mid-August! For major donors owed custom printing and those of you who purchased custom printed posters, postcards, business cards, or signed up for individual and group workshops, we will be contacting you within the next couple weeks to coordinate with you! If you have any questions about your perks, printing, or workshops, feel free to email Executive Director Tom Parson or Board President Peter Bergman.
For those of you excited to see progress on the historic Depot building check out what we’ve been able to achieve with the fundraising…
The Doors Are Up!
Half of phase 1 construction was building a lower level wall and installing doors. Thanks to YOU and your donations we have accomplished this! The doors bring a beautiful feel, light and ready, inside and out! The wall and doors now mean we will be able to start moving our collection of type and equipment in!
The Grading is Done!
We now have an ADA (and forklift) accessible grade on a ramp to the lower level and a "patio" – a place to land our 15 presses and 2,500 drawers of type as we move them into the building!
Next steps are to get the retaining walls built, get concrete poured for the ramps, move equipment in, and paint the upper level! More funding is needed, but the depot space has a new presence and is showing a lot of progress!
Letterpress Depot Executive Director Tom Parson was featured on the Partner Purpose Blog in the below video and this article: Purposeful Q+A: Tom Parson + Letterpress Depot
Thanks to Neenah Paper for Spreading The Word about The Letterpress Depot on Against The Grain – the Neenah Paper blog – with this article: All Aboard @ The Letterpress Depot!
And thank you to BuisnessDen blog for this write up about our ongoing progress in their article: Upgrade in the works for old-school printing studio
For an ongoing calendar of Letterpress Depot related events please see the EVENTS & WORKSHOPS section of our website!
We still have three spots left in both the Pressure Printing workshop with Brad Vetter in October and the Ornamental Type Workshop with Jennifer Farrell in March.
A group of eight Depot board members and volunteers did demos all weekend at the Cherry Creek Arts Festival over 4th of July weekend
We had our first official event at the Depot hosting visiting poet and printer Paul Hunter for a reading and APA member and printer Rick Von Holdt with a pop-up poetry reading and patio potluck!
Upcoming Events and Demos!
- July 20-23: The APA Wayzgoose in Los Angeles
- August 4-5: Print Demo at The Rocky Mountain Book & Paper Fair
- August 19: Print Demo at Boreas Pass Railroad Day at Como Roundhouse
Also stay tuned for an end of summer Englewood Community event for neighbors and Englewood residents!
Paul Hunter brought ANOTHER donation with him on his visit to Denver and has become the first major donor to join our Benjamin Franklin Circle! Likewise, Polly and Bill Parson made a second major donation and jumped up to the William Morris Circle!
We have new donors join the Frederic Goudy Circle – Bill Whitley, Lisa Abendroth and Eric Grattan!
Bill Whitley has been involved with the Museum of Printing in Massachusets, and is helping a local history museum in Ft. Collins Colorado with an exhibit on printing in 2018 for which the Letterpress Depot will loan a small press!
Lisa Abendroth is a Professor of Communication Design at MSU Denver and the co-editor of the Public Interest Design Practice Guidebook! When she’s not enmeshed in public interest design she’s rafting Colorado’s rivers and skiing it’s slopes with her husband Eric Grattan, an IT professional and avid outdoorsman.
We also received a generous donation from Letterpress Depot member Natalie Zanecchia after board member’s Tom and Marc spent the day helping her move her C&P! This has been our fundraising model for a long time – help people with their letterpress equipment and projects and if they can help us with a donation great!
Now we have a HUGE project that will enable us to help hundreds of people to learn and love letterpress and we’re asking for you to help us help them!
Time to scrape and paint the depot? Keeping up with the yardwork and landscaping? Help with planning the library collection? inventory of type and equipment? Additional workshops and classes? Printing projects... Moving the equipment into the depot!? Help us celebrate!?
To get more involved with our committees, board of directors, or volunteer opportunities please get in touch!
Please help us out in the last two weeks of the campaign by donating and spreading the word about this ambitious project!
For all of you who don't know what "The Depot" is, it's a historic building built in 1915 – one of two remaining Mission style train depots in the west! In addition to creating a museum, we’re working on restoring this beautiful building and creating a community center for Englewood Colorado!
We're wanting to send a HUGE upside down and backwards THANK YOU to all of our donors large and small for getting us over $20,000 yesterday on Indiegogo! We're now only $1,500 away from paying for the retaining walls and grading to the grounds with two weeks to go in the campaign!! Every little bit helps us pay for that crucial step!
We’re also excited to announce that we received a generous $2,500 grant from GE Johnson Construction Company! GE Johnson is "committed to building upon a legacy of philanthropy to, and engagement within, the communities in which we work and live by fostering support in the following areas: Education, Health and Human Services, the Environment, Sports and Recreation and the Arts.”
Also a big thanks to Paul Hunter for upgrading from the Frederick Goudy circle to the William Morris Circle! Paul is a poet, musician, instrument-maker, teacher, and editor and publisher. For over a decade, he has produced letterpress books and broadsides under the imprint of Wood Works Press in Seattle – which you can check out and receive as a perk on your next donation!
We're still $35,000 away from paying for the concrete ramp and patio needed to get our 15 presses and 2,000 cases of type into the building. We're looking at additional grants and creative construction if anyone has any ideas!
Executive Director Tom Parson took a break from the fundraising to do what he does best – share knowledge about letterpress preservation and history with visiting Scottish printer and educator Mary Asiedu! Though Tom’s back yard is a relaxing ADA accessible location to talk letterpress it does have it’s limitations! That’s why we’re working so hard to find a permanent and home for our collection and a place for people to go for a deeper understanding of their craft – or even to touch type for the first time!
Tom and fellow Depotians Peter Bergman, Mike Roberto, and Anna Goss took a break from fundraising to do what none of us do best! When you're on the board of a non-profit trying to restore a historic building sometimes you've just got to pull some weeds!
It's always exciting to open our Indiegogo page and see who has joined our effort. Relatives, friends, friends of friends, civic minded businesses and new supporters from around the world! Thanks so much! Today we want to especially thank our most recent major donors. Heading into Memorial Day weekend we're at $22,000 but still have 70% of our goal to reach in the month of June! Help us spread the word!
Thank You Publication Printers!
Publication Printers, which has a long history in Denver, supported us at the Johannes Gutenberg Circle level! In 1926, the Rosenbergs, a family of printers, came to Denver. In 1979, brothers Gary and IV Rosenberg founded Publication Printers, which prides itself on being innovative, progressive, and a trusted leader in the web printing industry.
Publication Printers started out doing coldset newspaper printing and evolved into one of the country’s leading web printers, successfully marketing and distributing magazines, catalogs, brochures, direct mail, digital editions and more – taking care of every aspect of the project from printing and binding to mailing and shipping. Gary remains as president and CEO of this 2nd generation family-owned business.
New William Morris Circle Members!
Ken and Joyce Letzler – Retired attorney Ken has been named as one of the country's leading antitrust lawyers by a number of publications, but his firm also celebrated his baseball playing skills. Joyce is renowned as a gracious and welcoming host.
Martha Cooper – Martha’s editorial career began with letterpress publications, both newspaper and magazines. She says “it's fun to see all the art being produced letterpress” and “doubly fun to see the Depot’s progress.” Martha Cooper has made her donation available as matching funds! If we can raise another $1000 over the next week we can deposit her generous $1000 donation!
Board Members Made Matching Funds Available!
Peter Bergman and Heather Link-Bergman are artists and printers who use letterpress in their work. Peter has been a board member since 2013 and President since October 2015. He teaches beginning typography students at MSU Denver how to hand set type and print on equipment and type that Tom Parson initially helped the university procure and set up. Both Peter and Heather also have perks to offer. Check them out.
The other match comes from Tom and Patti Parson. Tom is our Executive Director, a master letterpress printer and the dreamer and visionary behind the Depot. Patti is the board’s secretary, in addition to being Managing Producer for the PBS NewsHour. She says her printing talents are minimal but enthusiastic! Tom also is a poet whose work is available as a perk.
A Big Thank You To All of our Major Donors!
Friends, board members and Publication Printers! We would not be where we are today without your support.
Johannes Gutenberg Circle
William Morris Circle
the Wyoming Bergmans
Tom Speer
Peter Waldor
Peter Bergman and Heather Link-Bergman
Tom and Patti Parson
Ken and Joyce Letzler
Martha Cooper
Frederic Goudy Circle
Polly and Bill Parson
Annette and Tom DeMay
Paul Hunter
Amy Kitt
Miles O’Brien
Jenny Thomas and Dan Sjogren
Alicia Bailey
Linda Winslow
What’s happening under the blue tarp?
Progress! We have secured permits and our contractor has started framing the fourth wall that was missing. This huge step was made possible by all who have visited, shared and donated to our campaign! We still have a ways to go towards reaching our goal for funding to complete construction, but we can’t stop smiling. And thanking you.
Help us crack 20k in 10 days!
We've come a long way to get to this point! But, we still have a long way to go. Please consider supporting our campaign during this must-make fundraising initiative! See our indiegogo page to make a donation and check out our perks! This week we've got $2000 in matching funds from large donors and are trying to crack 20k by Thursday 5/25!
Workshops from superstar letterpress printers!
Once we get the building in order, we will be able to host workshops teaching letterpress printing and other book arts to individuals and groups – it’s part of our DNA, our reason for existing. But before our building is ready, you can take workshops with master printers whose work will make you say, “how did they do that?”. We have two new perks right now that will show you how.
Jennifer Farrell, who runs Starshaped Press out of Chicago, created the ampersand print above (and many others) just out of regular and ornamental type. Her press is one of the few presses in the country producing commercial work while preserving antique type and related print materials. She will help you brush up on your understanding of typography and letterforms and show you how to create large, pictorial images with just type and metal ornaments. Beginners and seasoned veterans welcome! We are offering this 1.5 day workshop right here in Denver in late summer 2017 for 8 lucky donors. Check out our perk section to claim your spot.
Brad Vetter, who spent eight years honing his craft at the legendary Hatch Show Print in Nashville, one of the oldest letterpress print shops in the country, will explore new (and old) techniques in letterpress printing, including pressure printing that creates unique and spontaneous images in his 1.5 day workshop. Along with, he promises, “some other fun surprises.” Brad runs his own letterpress and design studio where he continues to hand print rock-and-roll posters while also adding more digital design to his repertoire. This workshop will be hosted here in Denver in fall 2017 with spots for available for 8 donors who want to take their printing to exciting new places.
To have both come to Denver to teach is a treat; to have them both heading our way to support the Letterpress Depot is an honor. And you don’t have to live here in Denver to come and learn. If you’re interested in traveling to Denver to attend this workshop please get in touch! We can help with any questions you may have.
Johannes Gutenberg Circle
Thank You To PUBLICATION PRINTERS which has a long history in Denver, for supporting us at the Johannes Gutenberg Circle level! In 1926, the Rosenbergs, a family of printers, came to Denver. In 1979, brothers Gary and IV Rosenberg founded Publication Printers, which prides itself on being innovative, progressive, and a trusted leader in the web printing industry. Publication Printers started out doing coldset newspaper printing and evolved into one of the country’s leading web printers, successfully marketing and distributing magazines, catalogs, brochures, direct mail, digital editions and more – taking care of every aspect of the project from printing and binding to mailing and shipping. Gary remains as president and CEO of this 2nd generation family-owned business.
William Morris Circle
the Wyoming Bergmans
Tom Speer
Peter Waldor
Peter Bergman and Heather Link-Bergman
Tom and Patti Parson
Ken and Joyce Letzler
Martha Cooper
Frederic Goudy Circle
Polly and Bill Parson
Annette and Tom DeMay
Paul Hunter
Amy Kitt
Miles O’Brien
Jenny Thomas and Dan Sjogren
Alicia Bailey
Linda Winslow