Friends, we have concluded our Indiegogo campaign! We raised $27,222 on Indiegogo (we get to keep $24,974.34) and another $15,000 offline! Executive Director Tom Parson would like to pass on his thanks! “I want to express how much I appreciate the efforts and responses of support on all levels. This is an amazing accomplishment even if it falls short of our goal and our needs. Thank you all.” Though the indiegogo campaign wrapped up with an amazing response, we’ll still be fundraising through the summer and fall to complete phase 1 of the construction. You can always sign up for, renew, or upgrade your membership and we always accept and appreciate analog donations made out to “Englewood Depot Inc," at PO Box 798 Englewood, CO 80151. We will also be migrating all of our unsold perks over to our online store – where you can already check out all of the train themed posters.
We’re currently about 2/3 of the way through mailing out the poster and book perks and are on track to get everything out by mid-August! For major donors owed custom printing and those of you who purchased custom printed posters, postcards, business cards, or signed up for individual and group workshops, we will be contacting you within the next couple weeks to coordinate with you! If you have any questions about your perks, printing, or workshops, feel free to email Executive Director Tom Parson or Board President Peter Bergman.
For those of you excited to see progress on the historic Depot building check out what we’ve been able to achieve with the fundraising…
The Doors Are Up!
Where there once was an open cave there is now a wall and lovely garage doors!
Half of phase 1 construction was building a lower level wall and installing doors. Thanks to YOU and your donations we have accomplished this! The doors bring a beautiful feel, light and ready, inside and out! The wall and doors now mean we will be able to start moving our collection of type and equipment in!
The Grading is Done!
The "porch"! Looking forward to future days unwinding here after a long day printing!
We now have an ADA (and forklift) accessible grade on a ramp to the lower level and a "patio" – a place to land our 15 presses and 2,500 drawers of type as we move them into the building!
Next steps are to get the retaining walls built, get concrete poured for the ramps, move equipment in, and paint the upper level! More funding is needed, but the depot space has a new presence and is showing a lot of progress!
Letterpress Depot Executive Director Tom Parson was featured on the Partner Purpose Blog in the below video and this article: Purposeful Q+A: Tom Parson + Letterpress Depot
Thanks to Neenah Paper for Spreading The Word about The Letterpress Depot on Against The Grain – the Neenah Paper blog – with this article: All Aboard @ The Letterpress Depot!
And thank you to BuisnessDen blog for this write up about our ongoing progress in their article: Upgrade in the works for old-school printing studio
For an ongoing calendar of Letterpress Depot related events please see the EVENTS & WORKSHOPS section of our website!
We still have three spots left in both the Pressure Printing workshop with Brad Vetter in October and the Ornamental Type Workshop with Jennifer Farrell in March.
There are still spots left in both the Brad Vetter and Jennifer Farrell workshops!
A group of eight Depot board members and volunteers did demos all weekend at the Cherry Creek Arts Festival over 4th of July weekend
Elanor demonstrating inking on the proof press at the Cherry Creek Arts Festival
Tom crankin’ with a new letterpress afficianado!
We had our first official event at the Depot hosting visiting poet and printer Paul Hunter for a reading and APA member and printer Rick Von Holdt with a pop-up poetry reading and patio potluck!
Poet Paul Hunter warming us up with a song!
Upcoming Events and Demos!
- July 20-23: The APA Wayzgoose in Los Angeles
- August 4-5: Print Demo at The Rocky Mountain Book & Paper Fair
- August 19: Print Demo at Boreas Pass Railroad Day at Como Roundhouse
Also stay tuned for an end of summer Englewood Community event for neighbors and Englewood residents!
Paul Hunter brought ANOTHER donation with him on his visit to Denver and has become the first major donor to join our Benjamin Franklin Circle! Likewise, Polly and Bill Parson made a second major donation and jumped up to the William Morris Circle!
We have new donors join the Frederic Goudy Circle – Bill Whitley, Lisa Abendroth and Eric Grattan!
Bill Whitley has been involved with the Museum of Printing in Massachusets, and is helping a local history museum in Ft. Collins Colorado with an exhibit on printing in 2018 for which the Letterpress Depot will loan a small press!
Lisa Abendroth is a Professor of Communication Design at MSU Denver and the co-editor of the Public Interest Design Practice Guidebook! When she’s not enmeshed in public interest design she’s rafting Colorado’s rivers and skiing it’s slopes with her husband Eric Grattan, an IT professional and avid outdoorsman.
Tom and Marc helping Letterpress Depot member Natalie Zanecchia move her C&P!
We also received a generous donation from Letterpress Depot member Natalie Zanecchia after board member’s Tom and Marc spent the day helping her move her C&P! This has been our fundraising model for a long time – help people with their letterpress equipment and projects and if they can help us with a donation great!
Now we have a HUGE project that will enable us to help hundreds of people to learn and love letterpress and we’re asking for you to help us help them!
Time to scrape and paint the depot? Keeping up with the yardwork and landscaping? Help with planning the library collection? inventory of type and equipment? Additional workshops and classes? Printing projects... Moving the equipment into the depot!? Help us celebrate!?
To get more involved with our committees, board of directors, or volunteer opportunities please get in touch!