
Skyline at the Depot

Join us tomorrow morning at the depot for a visit with Sky Shipley of Skyline Type Foundry, 10 to noon, Thursday, June 29, 2016.

Returning from the Amalgamated Printers Association's annual Wayzgoose this week in St Louis, on his way back to the foundry in Prescott, Arizona, Sky has a truckload of beautiful newly cast printing type available!

His full catalog of type, ornaments, borders & initials is online at

Skyline offers affordable fonts of the best metal printing type being cast today, including classic and modern designs and numerous extraordinary and rare 19th century typefaces. Questions and discussion welcome!

Englewood Letterpress Depot is located on the corner of West Dartmouth and South Galapago in Englewood, Colorado, just off Santa Fe Drive.

Rehabilitation of the historic depot as a Living Museum of Letterpress Printing, Typography, Design, Poetry & Art, and other projects of Englewood Depot, Inc, may be followed on our website and on social media. 
For further info: 720.480.5358. 



First MeetUp

It was great to see all those who came to our meetup, to hear new connections form over letterpress and design conversations, and to discover Our Mutual Friend Brewery   Two hours became four hours and still the talk went on.  We will definitely do this again!



I want my own bulldozer

Progress on the Depot construction front!  This past week we finished trenching to connect our water line and got rid of a pesky slope  and some extraneous concrete walls so we could grade a temporary roadway.  It is so fun to watch a bulldozer in action. 



Getting to know us...

The Depot welcomes a host of new faces, experiences, and officers to our board. All of those involved are focused on community, art, design, history or printing.

Talking, planning, eating & more planning

Talking, planning, eating & more planning

Peter Bergman, an Assistant Professor of Communication Design at MSU Denver, who was been with the Depot project since the start, is our new president. Jason Wedekind, a stalwart board member and principal of Genghis Kern Design and Letterpress has taken on the role of Vice President. Brad Hammond, a Certified fraud examiner at CBIZ HMH, LLC, is our new treasurer. Other new board members include; Alexandra Jimenez, program director at the Platte Forum; Kim Morski, printmaker and artist book maker; Mike Ruberto, a Professor in the Multimedia Graphic Design department at Front Range Community College; Marc Silberman, a printer with strong philatelic bent; and Ian Van Mater, a MAC expert at Apple.

Staying with us are Alicita Rodriguez, Wilson Thomas, executive director Tom Parson and secretary Patti Parson.

We are forever grateful to those board members who are leaving – Lonnie Smith, David Ashley, Karen Jones and Jimi Bernath – for all the support they have provided and continue to do so.    




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Inking it up at a student workshop

Students from Front Range Community College got to learn about letterpress while designing their own business cards.  Depotians and master printers Tom Parson and Peter Bergman lent a hand in the Metro State University of Denver print shop, as did their teacher Mike Ruberto, who also is on the Depot board.  Spreading the word about letterpress and getting ink on everyone's hands is in the DNA of the Letterpress Depot - so we look forward to leading more workshops.  Email us for details:



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WWBD workshop


WWBD workshop

The WWBD workshop - What Would Brad Vetter Do - was a weekend of pressure plate printing, wood type, ice cream (in honor of Hamilton) and a lot of fun. A $200 level perk for the Pressing On film, it brought people from around the country to Denver.  Jason Wedekind, Tom Parson and Jeff Shepherd filled in for Brad at Genghis Kern. Slideshow of the printers and their work below.



Book Arts League Holiday Open House

Dec. 6; 1 4 pm  FREE ADMISSION
Join us for the annual Book Arts League Holiday Open House. We’ll have letterpress printing and book arts demonstrations, including hands-on printing of letterpress demonstration in our historic print shop. We will have cards and books, posters and scrap bags, miniature books and ornaments for sale. Enjoy refreshments, tour the historic buildings, and come see the new improvements to the Farmhouse, all funded by the Book Arts League! All ages welcome.
Ewing Farmhouse, 1915 N 95th Street, Lafayette
Please park on Prairie Ridge Drive, see Map on website at






Summer Events!

Cherry Creek Arts Festival - July 3-4-5 - 10 am, all day
at Tam O'Neill Fine Art, 311 Detroit Street

Join us for letterpress printing fun & poster sale to benefit the depot
Volunteers needed, no experience necessary! - info 720-480-5358


                                                                                                              .Woodtype poster donated by Springtide Press

Rocky Mountain Book & Paper Fair
- Friday July 31
 (2-9 pm), Saturday August 1 (10 am - 5 pm)
at the Denver Mart, I-25 and 58th

Join us for antiquarian books, letterpress printing demos, book arts exhibits and sales  

Typecon 2015 Conference - August 12-16
at the Sheraton Denver Downtown

On Friday August 14 the Englewood Letterpress Depot will host a tour of five printshops, transportation provided. Join us to print a poster at each stop along the  way.


While construction is under way on the Depot we have begun to offer workshops at nearby studios.  Individual letterpress and bookarts classes are now available on all levels.  Press-repair, advice on supplies & equipment, demonstrations and hands-on experience with a variety of presses and techniques – say what you need!  Proposals and instructors welcome! Check our website for other available workshops in the community.

Info: 720-480-5358 or

Participation in any Depot workshop also includes membership.  Members are who we are, our support & actual caretakers of our project – with all our resources, our presses, type, our library and collections, and our future!  We are a living museum.  

Membership details?  Visit us online at


Your participation is needed!  We need heavy lifters and experienced thinkers, we need obsessively focused sorters and record-keepers, indexers, researchers, talented hands, teachers & learners, printers & gardeners, librarians, historians & artists & writers, wild ideas & deliberate proposals, docents & greeters & fun personalities.  What are your talents?  What are your interests?  Tell us your experience & desire, your available wish.      720-480-5358

A living museum of letterpress, typography, design, poetry & art

email us at if you want to be on our mailing list



Beyond Words, Contemporary Book Art

From design bookbinding to intricately detailed sculptures made from books to monumental installations featuring books, this exhibition showcases a variety of works of art inspired by books.The juror is book artist Alicia Bailey who also is the owner of Abecedarian Gallery in Denver

foothills exhibit.jpg

To complement the juried portion of the exhibition, FAC invited several highly accomplished book artists who are truly doing exceptional work in the field.Invited artists include Brian Dettmer, Monique Lallier, Adele Outteridge, Susan Porteous, and Claire Van Vliet. Many of these books contain great letterpress texts. Hope you will check it out. Foothills Art Center

                                                                             Exhibit Hours: Tuesday-Saturday 10am-5pm; Sundays 12pm-5pm









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20 Steps to a Christmas card and the joy of letterpress!

After taking workshops with the Depot, German Murillo  of the Antique Photography Studio wrote two wonderful blogs 

 Treats for the holidays!



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Photopolymers and letterpress

Letterpress printing does not always have to begin with metal type.  If you have a fragile type you don't want to wear out, if you want to use a computer-generated font, if you have a large amount of type to set and your composing stick hand is tired, you can use photopolymer plates.  Above a student in a Depot workshop is washing out the plate after it has been exposed. To see the whole process check out Tom Parson's pictures on Flickr or call him to schedule an individual workshop 720-480-5358.


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