Vandercook Session


Vandercook Session

The Vandercook press was the center of attention at the second session of the Depot's Traveling Workshop held at Metro State University of Denver. Tom Parson (above) and Peter Bergman (in slideshow below) worked with  Victoria Adams-Kotsch, Megan Duffy, Cristy Fernandez, Emily Lennon, German Murillo, Bradley Wacjman and Jen Wisler. 

Interested in workshops? volunteering? landscaping? donating?  email us at


We're picking up steam  - come along for the ride


We're picking up steam - come along for the ride


Woohoo we’re official! This week we received final confirmation from IRS that the Letterpress Depot is a non profit –a 501(c)(3).  We’ve been “pending” since November. That means all donations to us are now officially tax deductible to the full extent allowed by law.  Thanks to Executive Director Tom Parson for tackling the application, and our wonderful active board for helping see it all through: President Lonnie Smith; Vice-President Jason Wedekind; board members David Ashley, Peter Bergman, Jim Bernath, Karen Jones, and Wilson Thomas, and me, the secretary and blogger.

But we could use some extra hands and heads.  We are looking for someone familiar with accounting (CPA?) who could volunteer some time.  And an affordable licensed contractor who would like to work on a project such as the Depot.  Not to mention some help on lawn maintenance as needed (Lonnie and wife Sandy, Wilson, Tom and I have all been down with the grass and the weeds—thanks!)

In other news, the traveling workshop has started (for some pix from that, click on Workshops at the top of the page).  And Tom and Patti just came back from the ATF Conference in Salem, New Hampshire. No, that’s not an Alcohol, Tobacco and Firearms reunion but rather the American Typecasting Fellowship (a nod to the American Type Founders of past renown).  It’s a biannual gathering of all those interested in type- and line-casting and it was just a fascinating bunch to be with.  Frank Romano, director of the Museum of Printing in North Andover, Massachusetts was the generous host, and ATF founder and guiding spirit Rich Hopkins regaled the crowd with tales of how he acquired all his casters. There was  one particularly gruesome image of old monotype casters being forklifted into dumpsters when Rich couldn’t fit all 12 being discarded into his pickup—or his shop.  Frank and Rich also had a lively duel on monotype versus linotype: their expertise also clear in their  gorgeous books – Rich’s Tolbert Lanston and the Monotype ( and Frank’s History of the Linotype Company  ( - two must-haves for anyone interested in printing and type history. These will be in our depot library collection!

Also speaking at the conference - Frank Brannon of Speakeasy Press who has been working with Ed Rayher of Swamp Press to cast type of the Cherokee language.  Frank came across a syllabary of the language that Sequoyah created in 1821 and it became his life’s passion to get it cast and spread the knowledge. Ed took up the challenge. Now it is being used in North Carolina to pass on the language as well as the art of printing.

Two apprentices from M&H Type —Mark Sagianis and Chris Godek – told of their adventures being thrown into the world of casting.  The apprentices there have to commit to 4 years at minimum wage, and then they are expected to stay on afterwards.  Their enthusiasm and sheer joy about their work was infectious. 

Greg Walters of Piqua, Ohio described the challenges of casting 120 point type Cloister Initials on a huge pivotal caster obtained at the American Type Founders auction in 1993; Stan Nelson(formerly with the Smithsonian) described and demonstrated his molds for hand-casting type; Bill Welliver gave a full update on his system for computer interface with the Monotype composition caster - there were talks on just about every type of casting equipment, a swap meet and auction, endless delicious food (including one unforgettable 5 course Italian dinner) and connections with wonderful typenuts all around the world. 

Below: Gary Gregory who prints as Ben at the Old North Church; George Hamilton who flew in from Austria; Bill Welliver with slides of his work; Stan Nelson and Rich Hopkins; Tom, Gary, and Stan; and  Sky Shipley and some of the fonts he has cast at Skyline Type Foundry.



Ink-filled days

Things have been very busy in Depot-land.  Our traveling workshop, which starts next weekend, sold out in one week - 7 students, 4 teachers, 4 printshops, 4 days. More workshops to come in the future. Tom Parson also held his first one-on-one workshop - $100 for 4 hours. If interested, email us at

The Book & Paper Fair (slideshow below) was a wonderful time for all-things Book Arts.  Tom printed, David Ashley calligraphed names, and Karen Jones explained book conservation.  The Depot, the Colorado Calligraphers Guild, the Guild of Bookworkers and Book Arts League all were represented. It was a great time to meet others interested in book arts, and spread the word about the Depot.  This past weekend, Tom and I again printed - this time at a birthday party, where guests were encouraged to join, and several did.

On the building end, meetings with architects, civil engineers and others ongoing; some weed-whacking and planting too.  If you'd like to volunteer for anything - trenching, re-orienting leaks, putting together shelves, helping with the next event, or if you know an accountant/CPA who might volunteer their skills - email

If you missed PBS NewsHour's coverage of Arion Press, check it out.

Thanks for following the Depot (also find us on Twitter @letpressdepot and on Facebook





Printing & Book Arts Demos / Artists Books & Posters

demonstrations of printing, book binding, calligraphy & preservation

exhibit of artists' books curated by Abecedarian's Alicia Bailey

exhibit of posters created by master printers for the Depot

   Come for the paper stay for the ink  

Demonstrations by David Ashley, Karen Jones & Tom Parson

Demonstrations by David Ashley, Karen Jones & Tom Parson



Fun & Printing during Cherry Creek Arts Festival

Guys with memories of 9th grade shop classes, people who were taken with the precision and just plain cuteness of the Curtis & Mitchell Columbian No. 1 press, children wide-eyed at seeing their prints emerge from the small Vandercook proof press, and those who know and admire the Depot building,  all came to watch Tom print in a tent in front of Tam O'Neill Fine Arts Gallery during the Festival.   More Saturday 1-4 and Sunday 10-1.  Thanks to Karen Jones and Wilson Thomas for all their help.



Slideshow: Thank you for a great Depot Poster show

A steady crowd came all First Friday to the poster show - a whole lot of fun and talk and buying of posters.  In the next few weeks, we will offer the posters for sale online.  Here are some pix of the event- then down further namin' some names of  the people who made it all happen

Thank you to all who came, to all who bought and to those without whom there would not have been a show:  printer and show impresario Jason Wedekind, board members and other volunteers Karen Jones,  Diane and Ray Tomasso, Lonnie & Sandy Smith, Wilson Thomas, Peter Bergman, Trey Maserang and Tom & Patti Parson. And of course the presses who are donating their work - Birdwood Press, Baltimore Print Services, Book Arts League, Brad Vetter Design, Carimbo Letterpress, David Ashley Studio, Dog & Stars, Foolproof Press, Genghis Kern, Hamilton Wood Type Museum, Inky Lips, Keegan Meegan & Co,  Matter, Moongirl Productions,  Power & Light Press, Shepherd Letterpress, Springtide Press, Strongarm Press, Sweet Letterpress and the Press at Colorado College.  We are grateful to BookBar for hosting the show. And last but not least, because it lies underneath much of this printing, Neenah Paper. Thank you for your generous donation.



13 people 2 forklifts loads of presses & type

Glenn Moore and his family generously donated their dad's incredible print shop. Volunteers rallied to move it into a 48' trailer until the Depot is ready for such treasures.  Here is a slideshow of that effort.

Special thanks to our moving team: Glenn Moore, Heather Page, Patti & Tom Parson, Ed Popovitch, Susan Porteous,  Marc & Darrien Silberman, Lonnie Smith, Doug Sorenson, Wilson Thomas, Ray Tomasso and Jason Wedekind.  Follow us on twitter @letpressdepot





Englewood Depot News, May 20, 2014

depot winter.jpg

It’s been a long winter, uncertain weather, recurring snow, but now it is May and our activities spring to life. Many things to catch up, but first – a letterpress show.

Come see posters by 20 of the world’s best letterpress printers, all designed especially for the Depot. Printers from New Mexico to Australia, from Oregon to Brazil, and of course from Colorado, have created some spectacular examples of what can be done on a letterpress. This Depot Poster show will be held June 6 at the BookBar at 4280 Tennyson. (Depot members/supporters viewing at 5 pm; BookBar is open for First Friday Art at 6 - more details soon.) A limited quantity of the posters will be offered for sale. All donation proceeds, of course, to the Depot. For those of you who already have ordered work from this letterpress portfolio, you can pick them up at the event. Board member Jason Wedekind and Diane Tomasso were masterminds behind this project. Amazing support from the amazing letterpress community!

Posters of this portfolio project are also on exhibit at the Hamilton Wood Type Museum in Two Rivers, Wisconsin, through the annual Wayzgoose of the Amalgamated Printers Association, June 13-17!


Book arts workshops. Thanks to board member Peter Bergman of Metropolitan State University of Denver, we are making plans for a variety of workshops. As construction for the Depot is just beginning, we will offer these events at satellite locations. Bonus: payment for any workshop or class will give you a basic membership; subsequent workshops in the same year are 10% off for all members. I will send out an email once we have dates, but also check out our website for news and events, as well as more details on membership.

Our website is up! 

Type and equipment donations! The Letterpress Depot has been the recipient of, quite literally, tons of type and presses. This coming weekend we will be moving Glenn Moore’s father’s MECA printshop into a truck storage trailer, until our building is ready. Highlights of this historic collection include a Vandercook SP-15 proof press, a pantograph router-engraver which might be used for making wood type, other equipment for preparation and mounting of printing blocks, and over 20 cabinets of excellent type. If you can help with some heavy lifting (or cheerleading) this weekend or in the future, please let me know. Thanks to Wilson Thomas for helping with logistics of the move. Food and drink for all those who come join us! Call or email me for details.

We also have received generous donations of equipment and type from Dave Clark and Brett Lareau. So when we can get the 4th foundation wall up in the Depot and an access ramp built, we are ready to roll.

moore equipment.jpg


Progress for the old depot. Design and construction plans for the lower level foundation wall and access ramp, and everything else needed on the building, are tied to our agreement with the City of Englewood for a preservation easement on the historic building. The Colorado Historical Foundation has accepted our proposal for the easement, with legal negotiations and details to be approved before actual construction can begin. CHF has been very supportive but there have been hurdles – governmental, administrative, legal, financial, and just plain annoying – imagine: paperwork as a printer's way of life!


Roof repairs this week; meetings with our architects, plumbing contractor, a structural engineer, and others with consultation about concrete work, landscaping, modifications for ADA access, preparation for funding possibilities for historic rehabilitation – we expect to be ready once the easement is set. One special find in the course of all the moving paper: we have located the architectural drawings of the foundation, the designs and plans when the building was relocated in 1994! Thanks to City Engineer Dave Henderson and our architect Kathy Lingo – those missing details now inform our design work as well as our history of the Englewood Depot as it is transformed into a living letterpress museum.


Volunteer projects! We need your help:

  • moving equipment (come get muscles!)

  • ideas and participation in developing workshops, program ideas, publications (just imagine!)

  • gardening, weeding, landscaping, grounds-keeping (It's spring, come play in the dirt!)

  • website, calendar and blog entries (help us post your activities for the depot community!)

  • inventory, assess, repair donated equipment and type (get ready for our use and our museum!)

  • make it new, make it your own, let us know how!

Thanks to board member Karen Jones, we now have postcards to publicize the Depot.
Let us know suggestions to help us use the cards, to call attention to our projects.

All in the community! As you can see, our board has been busy - meeting monthly, plotting and planning. Many of our board members and supporters, Karen Jones, myself, Ray Tomasso, David Ashley, have collaborated with other book arts groups in demonstrations, participating in the recent Gathering of the Guilds and with workshops presented by the Book Arts League. We are planning participation (with the Calligraphers Guild, the Guild of Book Workers, and the Book Arts League) at the 30th Rocky Mountain Book and Paper Fair, Friday and Saturday, August 1-2 at the Denver Merchandise Mart.

We will be in touch. Let us hear from you as well - by email (, phone (720-480-5358), or regular mail to the Depot, Box 798, Englewood, CO 80151.

Tom Parson

for the Englewood Letterpress Depot




For those of you who missed the grand finale to the Month of Print – Steamroller Printing at Rocky Mountain College of Art and Design (RMCAD), check out the video. Kudos to the Invisible Museum for a wonderful series of events celebrating “print.”





Celebration at the Depot

A Living Museum of Letterpress Printing,
Typography, Design, Poetry & Art

Please join us at the Depot!

Saturday, September 28


11 a.m to 3 p.m.

for hotdogs, lemonade, printing and book art demonstrations,
& a special demonstration of antique tin-type photography
by German Murillo!

a neighborhood celebration – all welcome!

The Depot has been empty in its current location for 20 years. Construction and development are under way! We invite the community to come see the current condition of the building and consider our plans for the future.

Please note, we do not have water or heat yet in the depot, and the building is not yet ADA accessible. The nearest restroom facilities are in Cushing Park, across Dartmouth Avenue to the south.
