And a great time was had by all. We got to share our Reliance Washington Hand Press with the great designers attending HowDesignLive.
You’ll notice our sweet little Adana got some notice along with her big sister press! But that day, the hand press was our star (below with ace photographer/printmaker/printer Bryan Dahlberg)
And here’s who we —the Depot printers, trying hard to get our building on track to be open to the public. We have $280,000 to raise out of our $500,000 goal (thanks to the State Historical Fund for the major boost). Donations welcome. And any ideas of who else to ask, welcome!
Any questions, email, call/text 720-480-5358. Follow us @letterpressdepot on Facebook and Instagram, @letpressdepot on X. And oh did I mention, you can donate now or during the five+ weeks of Colorado Gives “Day” November 1-December 10! THANK YOU!