A day made for donations! It’s not only Giving Tuesday, but we’re also counting down the last 8 days until the Colorado Gives Day campaign ends. Donating any day from now through December 5 to the Depot through Colorado Gives activates extra incentive funding.
Your donations will go towards getting heat into our building - it’s getting chilly in there! Once we have heat, we will be closer to having a home for workshops, tours, and school groups.
Any amount will help! We want to continue to be a community resource, saving our historic building, restoring old presses, printing new content, getting inky with everyone. Please join us!
Printed for the Depot by Jessica Spring, Springtide Press, Tacoma, WA (available for sale)
And if you’ve already donated…
Email , text or call (720-480-5358) with any questions about donations or printing. Follow us at www.letterpressdepot.com, @letterpressdepot on Facebook and Instagram and @letpressdepot on Twitter.