Please support Letterpress Depot on Colorado Gives Day, December 7. We get extra funds based on how much we raise that day. And you don’t even have to wait until that day. You can now SCHEDULE your donation. Just make sure to click on the green Schedule for Gives Day button to make us eligible for that extra money. (Of course, we appreciate, love and accept money ANY day.)

If people schedule in advance, we’re entered into a chance to get an extra $2,000 too!  So go to  or just type in Letterpress Depot where it says “find a non profit by name.”  Enter the amount you’re donating and then click on the green button to schedule for GIVES DAY. You won’t be charged until then.

On a smaller scale…if you buy from Amazon, you can help the Depot. Go to (instead of, choose the Englewood Depot, Inc. as your charity, and then just buy normally.  The Depot then gets a small percentage of the sale amount - it’s small but it could add up. The trick is to remember to sign into whenever you shop. THANKS!
