Progress for the old depot. Design and construction plans for the lower level foundation wall and access ramp, and everything else needed on the building, are tied to our agreement with the City of Englewood for a preservation easement on the historic building. The Colorado Historical Foundation has accepted our proposal for the easement, with legal negotiations and details to be approved before actual construction can begin. CHF has been very supportive but there have been hurdles – governmental, administrative, legal, financial, and just plain annoying – imagine: paperwork as a printer's way of life!
Roof repairs this week; meetings with our architects, plumbing contractor, a structural engineer, and others with consultation about concrete work, landscaping, modifications for ADA access, preparation for funding possibilities for historic rehabilitation – we expect to be ready once the easement is set. One special find in the course of all the moving paper: we have located the architectural drawings of the foundation, the designs and plans when the building was relocated in 1994! Thanks to City Engineer Dave Henderson and our architect Kathy Lingo – those missing details now inform our design work as well as our history of the Englewood Depot as it is transformed into a living letterpress museum.
Volunteer projects! We need your help:
moving equipment (come get muscles!)
ideas and participation in developing workshops, program ideas, publications (just imagine!)
gardening, weeding, landscaping, grounds-keeping (It's spring, come play in the dirt!)
website, calendar and blog entries (help us post your activities for the depot community!)
inventory, assess, repair donated equipment and type (get ready for our use and our museum!)
make it new, make it your own, let us know how!
Thanks to board member Karen Jones, we now have postcards to publicize the Depot.
Let us know suggestions to help us use the cards, to call attention to our projects.
All in the community! As you can see, our board has been busy - meeting monthly, plotting and planning. Many of our board members and supporters, Karen Jones, myself, Ray Tomasso, David Ashley, have collaborated with other book arts groups in demonstrations, participating in the recent Gathering of the Guilds and with workshops presented by the Book Arts League. We are planning participation (with the Calligraphers Guild, the Guild of Book Workers, and the Book Arts League) at the 30th Rocky Mountain Book and Paper Fair, Friday and Saturday, August 1-2 at the Denver Merchandise Mart.
We will be in touch. Let us hear from you as well - by email (, phone (720-480-5358), or regular mail to the Depot, Box 798, Englewood, CO 80151.
Tom Parson
for the Englewood Letterpress Depot