• American Academy of Bookbinding (map)



This second level is designed to provide continuing paper conservation students with an opportunity to expand and deepen their knowledge through practical application, working with projects of the student’s choice. Main focus points are reviewing existing knowledge, humidification methods, washing techniques and advanced flattening and drying techniques. Participants will learn more advanced repair techniques, basic lining methods, the importance of sizing as well as the toning of repair papers.

Projects may consist of books, maps, prints, drawings and other two-dimensional paper objects. Projects should be achievable within the scope of the student’s current working knowledge and experience and the time allotted. Selected projects may include some challenging elements for individual student growth but care should be taken to avoid complex tasks and techniques that are too advanced for the student’s level. Tape removal will not be addressed in this class. Students will be expected to prepare pre-treatment reports along with before photos prior to class. Working with the instructor, treatment options will be discussed and determinations for treatment will be made. Lectures may include advanced paper chemistry, material studies, damage analysis, decision methodology, as well as the pros and cons of different treatments. Participants will need to have completed the Basics in Conservation course or equivalent experience.

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